Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Worry about my child's walking.?

her shoes wastes a lot on the left edge of the right foot and on the right edge of the left foot . She easily falls down when running and sometimes just while walking. What could it be?

Worry about my child%26#039;s walking.?
Dyspraxia? General clumsiness? One leg longer than the other?

Obviously, if you are that worried, you should take her to see your GP or health visitor.
Reply:It could be any one of a number of things, some of which she%26#039;ll grow out of without intervention, others that she may need help with.

Get a referral to a paediatrician, and to a paediatric physio, between both, they will thoroughly assess her gait and general developmental status, and be able to either reassure you or take the necessary steps to help her improve.
Reply:Make sure he has a good walking shoe. Not the ones from walmart. Go to a baby shoe store. Stride Rite is a good one.
Reply:discuss it with your health visitor
Reply:It sounds to me like she may need some physio, maybe on her feet, maybe on her legs or hips. I%26#039;m sure its nothing to worry about, but see your GP and they can do a referral for you.
Reply:My son did not walk till he was 2 1/2 we found out that he was flat footed and had to have a special boot to support him then a inner sole take her to your doctor my son walks now but the boots and inner sole did the trick.Hope this helps.
Reply:So sweet p, your advice to this lady is to go and see a specialist.

What relevance was all the other shite?
Reply:Sounds like she could do with a pelvis x-ray to rule out things like Perthes disease...
Reply:take her to the doctors and get her checked for twisted thigh and shin bones.my two sons had that problem,it corrects its self as they get bigger
Reply:you will need to see a specialist-go to your doctor and he will approve of it

dont delay -it will be all much better and workable-with the exception of a total cure in the case of ceribrial palsy-which is the heavenly cure

may i share about cases that would have given anything to be in your shoes-2 ladies here one losing her baby and the other already lost and still in the womb=there is a double rainbow soon to come as the sun will shine.

big hugggg to you Mam

its all about timing now-or you can have the hospital induce labor. A d%26amp;c isnt necessary unless there isnt total discharge.

your baby is already in heaven make sure your going there too and the bible says they that go before us stand on the banners of heaven and cheer for us=Hebrews 12

it may be hard after this experience yet you will be the most fertile after the baby is discharged from your body. if you wait a long time after the short time to heal of a few months, you may not be able to concieve that easily. Be the hero take it on the chin and go for it, prayerfully.

the question is if there is a reason-as in an incompetent cervex and did the baby become detached as in the plecenta

this is help from above in answer to another lady=deep breaths good music on, and the biggest hug to you and i dont release till you tell me your ok in Jesus

%26quot;The rain falls on the just and the unjust%26quot;

believing in God doesnt take away the curse of Adam and Eve from the perfect garden forsaken

Do not take it personal, dont search out your life and blame yourself or anyone else

A huricane hits and innocent people are hurt-it doesnt just blow away the sinners houses.

This was my answer to a lady with a detached Plecenta

it is good if you also answer her and others questions-if you need help-help another and your burdens will be lifted seeing others as just as important as we are too

so I answered her=if your still bleeding do not get out of bed, have a parent or other do your work for you, and get a small fridge right by your bed for easy access, plenty of juice and tea calming chamomile and ginger also for the stomach.

one way or the other Mam and I am praying for you, i have good news for you, a rainbow of hope-and do hand exersises in bed and when you read in the Psalms to praise the Lord -give the sacrifice of praise-meaning you may not feel like it-but as you do it will pour forth-David cried out to God to save his baby and take his life instead, and Psalm 51 deals with that situation and the restoration of his Joy that he might lead sinners in the way to God.

first John chapters 3%26amp;10 and Revelation 3:19%26amp;20 if you never asked Jesus into your heart to forgive -even one lie, and become your personal best friend, amen

relax praying for you

ok, first your baby will live, the question is on earth or in heaven awaiting the melenium to return and at the end to chose either Jesus or to reject him

so it will be a loss and gain and if loss then you have more opportunities to try again-a placenta is made new each time so it doesnt mean you have a bad cervex or anything-with one of those hemoraging is normal and staying off the feet each pregnance when the sign of bleeding comes.

as you do stay off your feet, use a pillow between your legs, and one under your feet to keep them elevated and a smaller one under your calves to keep the pressure off, legs spread some helps.

make sure your taking all your pre natal vitamins

I do not like to give upsetting news-I will tell you of another life situtation of a lady that does have a bad cervex from using a diaphram-she has 3 children but she also had one miscarrige and 1 in 4 pregancies end in that. She bled with pregnance, had to stay off her feet, she had one still born, and one passed after premature birth at around 2 lbs.

the chances are every day your baby lives is a miracle,

your next pregnancy will go totally fine

for now read your bible-its going to take effort, read the Song of Songs-if you must read the book of Job but read the last chapter first -verse 10 to forgive all those in your life that have let you down, and you will be freed from bondage and get a double portion of all you have lost.

and if you feel the doctor isnt being help full, get a different doctor

praying for you Mam, and keep looking up even in the storm, there is a double rainbow soon to come as the sun will shine.

David in Jesus amazing grace


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